
“Omnia” which means “All” is an opportunity for all families of the parish not involved in the Pilot Program to come together to learn about and discuss a topic of the Catholic faith.  Families with children in grades 1 – 6 are invited to attend. 

There is an early session for Omnia that begins at 5:30 pm and finishes at 6:15 pm followed by a meal.  There will also be a late session following the meal from 6:45 to 7:30 pm.  Families can choose which time is best for their schedule (availability may be altered based on the number of registrations).

Upcoming Omnia Topics taught by Fr. Dooley for all parish members:

02.12 Virtues

02.19 Theological Virtues

02.26 Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist

Please be sure sign up on the "blue clipboard" found in the gathering space at church if you plan to join us for the meal at 6:15.